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    雙語(yǔ) | 習近平在中非領(lǐng)導人對話(huà)會(huì )上的主旨講話(huà)重要語(yǔ)匯摘編


    當地時(shí)間8月24日晚,國家主席習近平和南非總統拉馬福薩在約翰內斯堡共同主持中非領(lǐng)導人對話(huà)會(huì )。習近平發(fā)表題為《攜手推進(jìn)現代化事業(yè) 共創(chuàng )中非美好未來(lái)》的主旨講話(huà)。中國外文局所屬當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院,依托中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )重大翻譯任務(wù)審評工作機制,圍繞致辭中的重要表述,形成漢英對照摘編,供業(yè)界參考使用。

    中非雙方要同心協(xié)力,為實(shí)現各自發(fā)展愿景創(chuàng )造良好環(huán)境。

    China and Africa must work together to create a sound environment for realizing our respective development visions.


    Working together to promote a just and equitable international order. 


    We should carry forward the spirit of sticking together in times of adversity, practice true multilateralism, and unequivocally oppose vestiges of colonialism and hegemonism in all forms. We should firmly support each other in defending core interests, stand strong by the just calls of developing countries, and work for a more just and equitable international order.


    Working together to safeguard a peaceful and secure global environment. 


    Africa is working unremittingly for the goal of silencing the guns. China is ready to work with Africa to implement the new vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, advocate the resolution of differences and disputes through dialogue and cooperation, facilitate the political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues, and safeguard world peace and stability. We should uphold harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and protect the security of the global eco-environment.?


    Working together to build an open and inclusive world economy. 


    What we need is to remove barriers rather than erect walls, open up rather than close off. We should carry out extensive consultation and make joint contribution for shared benefit, reject the winner-takes-all approach, and build an open world economy where developing countries are better involved in the international division of labor and share the fruits of economic globalization. We should overcome estrangement between civilizations through exchanges, promote inclusiveness and mutual learning between civilizations, and make new contributions to human progress.


    To chart the course for our practical cooperation in the next stage and help Africa bring its integration and modernization into a fast track, I wish to make the following three proposals:


    China will launch the Initiative on Supporting Africa’s Industrialization.


    China will better harness its resources for cooperation with Africa and the initiative of businesses to support Africa in growing its manufacturing sector and realizing industrialization and economic diversification. 


    In implementing the nine programs under the FOCAC framework, China will channel more resources of assistance, investment and financing toward programs for industrialization.


    China will launch the Plan for China Supporting Africa’s Agricultural Modernization. 


    China will help Africa expand grain plantation, encourage Chinese companies to increase agricultural investment in Africa, and enhance cooperation with Africa on seed and other areas of agro-technology, to support Africa in transforming and upgrading its agricultural sector.


    To help Africa tackle the current food crisis, China will provide additional emergency food assistance to African countries in need. More importantly, China has confidence that Africa will attain food self-sufficiency through its own efforts.


    China will launch the Plan for China-Africa Cooperation on Talent Development. 


    China plans to train 500 principals and high-caliber teachers of vocational colleges every year, and 10,000 technical personnel with both Chinese language and vocational skills for Africa. China will invite 20,000 government officials and technicians of African countries to participate in workshops and seminars. 

    為支持非洲提升科教創(chuàng )新能力,中方還將實(shí)施“中非高校百校合作計劃”,啟動(dòng)10個(gè)中非伙伴研究所試點(diǎn)項目。

    To support Africa in strengthening education and innovation, we will launch the China-Africa Universities 100 Cooperation Plan and 10 pilot exchange programs of China-Africa partner institutes.?