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    雙語(yǔ) | 習近平在中國—中亞峰會(huì )上的主旨講話(huà)重要語(yǔ)匯摘編


    5月19日上午,首屆中國—中亞峰會(huì )舉行圓桌峰會(huì ),中國國家主席習近平主持會(huì )議并發(fā)表主旨演講。中國外文局所屬當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院,依托中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )重大翻譯任務(wù)審評工作機制,圍繞演講中的重要表述,形成漢英對照摘編,供業(yè)界參考使用。



    The world needs a stable Central Asia. The sovereignty, security, independence and territorial integrity of Central Asian countries must be upheld; their people’s choice of development paths must be respected; and their efforts for peace, harmony and tranquility must be supported.


    The world needs a prosperous Central Asia. A dynamic and prospering Central Asia will help people in the region achieve their aspiration for a better life. It will also lend strong impetus to global economic recovery.


    The world needs a harmonious Central Asia. As a Central Asian saying goes, “Brotherhood is more precious than any treasure.” Ethnic conflicts, religious strife, and cultural estrangement are not the defining feature of the region. Instead, solidarity, inclusiveness, and harmony are the pursuits of the Central Asian people. No one has the right to sow discord or stoke confrontation in the region, let alone seek selfish political interests.


    The world needs an interconnected Central Asia. Blessed with unique geographical advantages, Central Asia has the right foundation, condition and capability to become an important connectivity hub of Eurasia and make unique contribution to the trading of goods, the interplay of civilizations and the development of science and technology in the world.



    First, mutual assistance. We should work together to ensure that our community features mutual assistance, solidarity, and mutual trust.


    Second, common development. We should work together to ensure that our community features win-win cooperation and common progress.


    Third, universal security. We should work together to ensure that our community features no-conflict and enduring peace.


    Fourth, everlasting friendship. We should work together to ensure that our community features close affinity and shared conviction.



    First, we need to strengthen institutional building.


    Second, we need to expand economic and trade ties.


    Third, we need to deepen connectivity.


    Fourth, we need to expand energy cooperation.

    五是推進(jìn)綠色創(chuàng )新。

    Fifth, we need to promote green innovation.


    Sixth, we need to enhance capabilities for development.


    Seventh, we need to strengthen dialogue between civilizations.


    Eighth, we need to safeguard peace in the region.


    倡議成立產(chǎn)業(yè)與投資、農業(yè)、交通、應急管理、教育、政黨等領(lǐng)域會(huì )晤和對話(huà)機制

    propose establishment of meeting and dialogue mechanisms on industry and investment, agriculture, transportation, emergency response, education, and political parties


    take more trade facilitation measures, upgrade bilateral investment treaties, and open “green lanes” for streamlined customs clearance of agricultural and sideline products at all border ports between China and Central Asian countries


    hold a live-streaming sales event to further promote Central Asian products, and build a commodities trading center


    increase the volume of cross-border cargo transportation, support the development of the trans-Caspian international transport corridor, enhance the traffic capacity of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway and the China-Tajikistan-Uzbekistan highway, and move forward consultations on the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway

    加快現有口岸現代化改造,增開(kāi)別迭里口岸,大力推進(jìn)航空運輸市場(chǎng)開(kāi)放,發(fā)展地區物流網(wǎng)絡(luò )

    seek to modernize the existing border ports at a faster pace, open a new border port at Biedieli, promote the opening of the air transportation market, and build a regional logistics network


    step up the development of China-Europe Railway Express assembly centers, encourage capable enterprises to build overseas warehouses in Central Asian countries, and build a comprehensive digital service platform


    establish a China—Central Asia energy development partnership 


    expedite the construction of Line D of the China—Central Asia Gas Pipeline, expand trade in oil and gas, pursue cooperation throughout the energy industrial chains, and strengthen cooperation on new energy and peaceful use of nuclear energy


    work with Central Asian countries to conduct cooperation in such areas as improvement and utilization of saline-alkali land and water-saving irrigation, build together a joint laboratory on agriculture in arid lands, and tackle the ecological crisis of the Aral Sea


    support establishing high-tech firms and IT industrial parks in Central Asia

    歡迎中亞國家參與可持續發(fā)展技術(shù)、創(chuàng )新創(chuàng )業(yè)、空間信息科技等“一帶一路”專(zhuān)項合作計劃

    welcome Central Asian countries to participate in special cooperation programs under the Belt and Road Initiative, including programs on sustainable development technologies, innovation and start-up, and spatial information science and technology

    制定中國同中亞國家科技減貧專(zhuān)項合作計劃,實(shí)施“中國—中亞技術(shù)技能提升計劃”,在中亞國家設立更多魯班工坊,鼓勵在中亞的中資企業(yè)為當地提供更多就業(yè)機會(huì )

    formulate a China—Central Asia special cooperation program for poverty reduction through science and technology, implement the “China-Central Asia technology and skills improvement scheme”, set up more Luban Workshops in Central Asian countries, and encourage Chinese companies in Central Asia to create more local jobs


    provide Central Asian countries with a total of 26 billion RMB yuan of financing support and grant


    invite Central Asian countries to take part in the “Cultural Silk Road” program, and will set up more traditional medicine centers in Central Asia


    speed up establishment of cultural centers in each other’s countries


    continue to provide government scholarships for Central Asian countries, and support their universities in joining the University Alliance of the Silk Road 


    ensure the success of the Year of Culture and Arts for the Peoples of China and Central Asian Countries as well as the China—Central Asia high-level media dialogue


    launch the “China—Central Asia Cultural and Tourism Capital” program, and open special train services for cultural tourism in Central Asia

    幫助中亞國家加強執法安全和防務(wù)能力建設,支持各國自主維護地區安全和反恐努力,開(kāi)展網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全合作

    help Central Asian countries strengthen capacity building on law enforcement, security and defense, support their independent efforts to safeguard regional security and fight terrorism, and work with them to promote cyber-security


    continue to leverage the role of the coordination mechanism among Afghanistan’s neighbors, and jointly promote peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan



    In Chang’an we meet again, worthy of more than a thousand pieces of gold.


    Brotherhood is more precious than any treasure.


    If you work hard enough, gold will grow out of the land.


    You get rewarded if you give, and you harvest if you sow.