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    習近平在慶祝中國共產(chǎn)主義青年團成立100周年大會(huì )上的講話(huà)重要語(yǔ)匯漢英對照


    5月10日上午,慶祝中國共產(chǎn)主義青年團成立100周年大會(huì )在北京人民大會(huì )堂隆重舉行。中共中央總書(shū)記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平出席大會(huì )并發(fā)表重要講話(huà)。中國外文局所屬當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院圍繞講話(huà)中的四條寶貴經(jīng)驗,四點(diǎn)殷切期望,多項明確要求,以及特色用語(yǔ),梳理重要語(yǔ)匯,翻譯審定形成漢英對照版,供業(yè)界及相關(guān)人員參考使用。


    The founding mission of the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC) is to unwaveringly follow the CPC and strive for the Party and the people.


    Times may change, but the spirit of youth remains the same. Over the past century, the CYLC has always been united with the CPC and worked together with the CPC shoulder to shoulder. The CYLC has united and led the league members to show loyalty to the cause of the CPC and the people, and make contributions to national rejuvenation, thereby becoming a part of the glorious history of the CPC.



    In the past century, the CYLC has upheld the leadership of the CPC, which is the basis for the CYLC's establishment.


    In the past century, the CYLC has adhered to its political beliefs and convictions, which is its original aspiration.


    In the past century, the CYLC has devoted itself to national rejuvenation, which is its driving force.


    In the past century, the CYLC has been deeply rooted among the country's young people, which is the source of its vitality.



    Educate people for the CPC, and always be a political school leading the ideological progress of young people.


    Shoulder responsibilities and always be a vanguard force in mobilizing China's youth in continuous endeavor.


    Be concerned about young people's growth, and remain as the strongest bond between the CPC and the youth.


    Have the courage to carry out self-reform to maintain its status as an advanced organization that closely follows the CPC and keep pace with the times.


    1. 共青團

    ● 廣大青年在實(shí)踐中學(xué)習中國特色社會(huì )主義和共產(chǎn)主義的學(xué)校

    a school for young people to understand socialism with Chinese characteristics and communism in practice

    ● 培養社會(huì )主義建設者和接班人

    train socialist builders and successors

    ● 團結帶領(lǐng)廣大團員青年勇做新時(shí)代的弄潮兒

    call on and organize the CYLC members to set the trends in the new era

    ● 履行鞏固和擴大黨執政的青年群眾基礎這一政治責任

    fulfill the political responsibility in consolidating and expanding young people's support for the Party's governance

    ● 千方百計為青年辦實(shí)事、解難事

    offer solid help to the young people and do everything possible to solve their difficulties

    ● 把黨的全面領(lǐng)導落實(shí)到工作的全過(guò)程各領(lǐng)域

    implement the overall leadership of the CPC in the whole process of CYLC's work in all areas

    ● 不斷鞏固和擴大青年愛(ài)國統一戰線(xiàn)

    constantly consolidate and expand the youth patriotic united front

    ● 以改革創(chuàng )新精神和從嚴從實(shí)之風(fēng)加強自身建設

    strengthen self-building of the CYLC with the spirit of reform and innovation, and rigorous and pragmatic style of work

    2. 廣大共青團員

    ● 做理想遠大、信念堅定的模范

    have lofty ideals and build up firm beliefs

    ● 做刻苦學(xué)習、銳意創(chuàng )新的模范

    be hardworking and innovative

    ● 做敢于斗爭、善于斗爭的模范

    dare to fight and know how to fight

    ● 做艱苦奮斗、無(wú)私奉獻的模范

    work diligently in defiance of difficulties and be willing to make selfless contributions

    ● 做崇德向善、嚴守紀律的模范

    promote virtue, perform good deeds and observe discipline

    ● 以成長(cháng)為一名合格的共產(chǎn)黨員為目標、為光榮

    be determined in mind to grow into a qualified CPC member and take pride in it

    3. 廣大團干部

    ● 鑄牢對黨忠誠的政治品格

    forge a political character of loyalty to the CPC

    ● 自覺(jué)踐行群眾路線(xiàn)、樹(shù)牢群眾觀(guān)點(diǎn)

    adhere to the mass line, and establish correct concept of masses

    ● 培養擔當實(shí)干的工作作風(fēng)

    be responsible and pragmatic in work

    ● 涵養廉潔自律的道德修為

    pay attention to moral cultivation and self-discipline

    4. 各級黨組織

    ● 高度重視培養和發(fā)展青年黨員

    attach great importance to the cultivation and development of young Party members

    ● 落實(shí)黨建帶團建制度機制

    implement the mechanism of leading League building with Party building

    5. 各級黨委(黨組)

    ● 做青年朋友的知心人、青年工作的熱心人、青年群眾的引路人

    make friends with young people, be devoted to youth work, and lead young people toward a bright future



    Since ancient times, heroes come out of youth.


    The new generation will invariably surpass the old.


    If the young people are strong, the country will be strong. If the young people progress, the country will progress.


    Our minds grow stronger for the martyrs' sacrifice, daring to make the sun and the moon shine in the new sky.


    All the things in life should be done by ourselves.


    A fixed system cannot accommodate the complexity of ever-changing society; one road may not lead to the destination in your mind; when the situation has changed, make a change accordingly.


    Who dares suggest that younger generations with strong capabilities cannot surpass the old?


    Make friends with young people, instead of merely being an official among them.


    Give priority to the benefit of young people over that of yourself.


    When you have a calm state of mind, you become strong from within.


    Do real work, instead of merely talking.


    Guard your thoughts, words, and deeds.


    Be upright, remain uncorrupted, and serve the public wholeheartedly.