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    (中共中央黨校(國家行政學(xué)院)公共管理教研部副教授 張克)

    Adhering to the Chinese-Style Anti-Epidemic Practices of People First and Life First

    —Reflections upon Studying the Chapter on Poverty Alleviation Campaigns in Xi Jinping’s Governance of China (Volume III)

    Zhang Ke:Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Party School of the Central Committee of the C.P.C. (National Academy of Governance)

    “我將無(wú)我,不負人民”,這是習近平在會(huì )見(jiàn)意大利眾議長(cháng)菲科時(shí)說(shuō)出的一句名言。人民在中共中央總書(shū)記、中國國家主席習近平的心中始終居于最高位置。最新出版的《習近平談治國理政》第三卷深刻地回答了什么是以人民為中心、為什么要以人民為中心、如何做到以人民為中心等一系列重大理論和實(shí)踐問(wèn)題。2020年,在突如其來(lái)的新冠肺炎疫情大考中,以習近平同志為核心的中共中央始終堅持以人民為中心,不計一切代價(jià)拯救人民生命、采取有力措施保障人民生活、凝聚全體中華兒女力量共同抗疫,充分彰顯了中國特色社會(huì )主義制度的顯著(zhù)優(yōu)勢。

    "I am determined to devote myself to serving the Chinese people wholeheartedly" is a famous remark made by Xi Jinping when he met with Roberto Fico, President of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy. It is the people that occupy the highest position in the mind of Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of the People’s Republic of China. The newly published third volume of Xi Jinping’s “Governance of China” presents in-depth answers to a series of major theoretical and practical questions, such as what is people-centered, why people-centered, and how to be people-centered. In 2020, through the unexpected ordeal of COVID-19, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, earnestly following the people-centered principle, has been saving people's lives at all costs, taking effective measures to ensure people's livelihood, and uniting all Chinese people to combat the epidemic. This fully demonstrates the significant advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics.


    In the face of this unprecedented epidemic, the Communist Party of China made well-coordinated plans and drastic decisions, and the Chinese people strengthened their confidence, helped each other to cope with the trials and tribulations, adopted science-based approaches and implemented precise policies in the prevention and control of the epidemic. A people’s battle against the epidemic was launched by mobilizing all resources and blocking the spread of the virus. In only two months, the domestic spread of COVID-19 epidemic was essentially blocked. In approximately three months, a decisive victory was secured in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city of Wuhan. As WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus pointed out, the leadership and political will displayed by China are worth learning from by other countries. The Covid-19 is a public health emergency and China has successfully established the first line of defense to prevent the spread of this epidemic, which has won time and can serve as reference for the world to fight against it.


    Why can China be the first country to control the virus in the world's largest pandemic since World War II? Fundamentally, it is because the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have been unswervingly putting people's interest at the center, making people's lives and health as its top priority, and practicing the concept of people first and life first in the process of epidemic prevention and control.





    在全面嚴格管控措施下,中國付出巨大代價(jià)和犧牲,迅速扭轉了疫情局勢。用1個(gè)多月的時(shí)間初步遏制了疫情蔓延勢頭,用2個(gè)月左右的時(shí)間將本土每日新增病例控制在個(gè)位數以?xún)?,?個(gè)月左右的時(shí)間取得了武漢保衛戰、湖北保衛戰勝利。英國權威醫學(xué)期刊《柳葉刀》雜志社論對此做出評價(jià),“中國的成功也伴隨著(zhù)巨大的社會(huì )和經(jīng)濟代價(jià),中國必須做出艱難的決定,從而在國民健康與經(jīng)濟保護之間獲得最佳平衡”。

    1. Adopting Unprecedentedly Comprehensive and Stringent Control Measures 

    Which should be the highest priority? People's life safety or economic growth, elections and interest groups? With the sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic, this difficult multiple-choice question is baffling all countries. The Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, by adhereing to the people-centered development ideology with a distinct vision of being responsible for the people and their lives, have accurately analyzed the epidemic situation, made prudent yet drastic decisions, and made unsparing efforts to protect the people's right to life and health.

    On January 22, 2020, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People’s Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission issued an important instruction for immediate imposition of tight restrictions on the movement of people and outbound routes in Hubei and Wuhan. At around 2 a.m. on January 23, Wuhan City Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control Command Center issued its No. 1 Public Notice declaring temporary closure of the city's outbound routes at its airports and railway stations from 10 a.m. on the same day. Wuhan, a mega-city with a population of tens millions was "closed" due to the epidemic, an unprecedented move in the history of human infectious disease prevention and control. 

    After the outbreak, the Chinese government adopted comprehensive and strict control measures so as to cut off the chain of virus transmission at the first time. The most stringent closure and traffic control orders were imposed on Hubei Province and Wuhan City. Accurate region-specific and tiered prevention and control measures were implemented in other parts of the country. In order to protect people's lives and health, China strictly controlled the movement of people across the country, extended the Spring Festival holiday, stopped people’s gatherings, and postponed the opening of schools and business operations nationwide, thus swiftly curbing the spread of the epidemic and preventing more people from being infected. China has made a wise choice to protect the lives and health of its people at the cost of a short-term economic downturn and even a temporary shutdown.  

    Through painstaking efforts and tremendous sacrifice, and after having paid a heavy price, China has succeeded in swiftly turning the situation around. In little more than a single month, the rising spread of the virus was contained; in around two months, the daily increase in domestic coronavirus cases was reduced to single digits; and in approximately three months, a decisive victory was secured in the battle to defend Hubei Province and its capital city of Wuhan.In an editorial, The Lancet, an renowned medical journal, commented, "China’s success has come with huge social and economic costs. China must make difficult decisions to achieve an optimal balance between health and economic protection. "



    湖北省和武漢市在疫情爆發(fā)初期面臨醫療資源擠兌,感染患者迅速增加與傳染病醫院床位不足構成了一對矛盾。10天時(shí)間建成火神山醫院,12天時(shí)間建成雷神山醫院,中國速度為搶救治療新冠肺炎的重癥患者贏(yíng)得了寶貴時(shí)間。為了實(shí)現應收盡收,最大程度阻斷病毒傳播,武漢市在中央指導組專(zhuān)家指導下創(chuàng )造性地將一批體育場(chǎng)館、會(huì )展中心等改造了16家方艙醫院,累計收治患者1.2萬(wàn)余人。

    新冠肺炎感染者救治由醫保買(mǎi)單、財政兜底,彰顯中國特色社會(huì )主義制度的民生保障優(yōu)勢。中國對新冠肺炎確診患者實(shí)施免費救治,確?;颊卟灰蛸M用問(wèn)題影響就醫。據統計截止2020年5月31日,確診住院患者人均醫療費用達到2.3萬(wàn)元(人民幣),其中重癥患者人均治療費用超過(guò)15萬(wàn)元,少數危重癥患者治療費用達到幾十萬(wàn)元,甚至超過(guò)百萬(wàn)元。2020年5月,湖北省武漢市開(kāi)展全員核酸檢測,近千萬(wàn)人在10天內全部完成免費核酸檢測,所需費用9個(gè)多億由政府財政負擔。


    2. Sparing No Effort to Treat Patients and Save Lives at All Costs

    Xi Jinping pointed out that we must try our best to treat patients at all costs. Taking advantage of the mechanism of "ensuring a coordinated national response to make great achievements", China has mobilized great resources across the nation and conducted large-scale treatment as never before, leaving no single infected person unchecked and no single patient abandoned. From the elderly aged around 100 to the newborn babies, none of them was given up. The World Health Organization commented that "the speed and scale of China's actions are rare in the world, showing China's speed, scale and efficiency".

    At the initial stage of treatment succeeding the outbreak, Hubei Province and Wuhan City faced extreme shortage on medical materials supply. The rapidly increasing number of infections was in stark constrast with the shortage of hospital beds in specialist hospitals for treating infectious diseases. Then, Huoshenshan Hospital was built in 10 days, and Leishenshan Hospital in 12 days. China's speed has won precious time for the rescue and treatment of severe cases with Covid-19. In order to get all confirmed patients hospitalized and stem the spread of the virus to the greatest extent possible, Wuhan creatively transformed a number of stadiums and exhibition centers into 16 Fangcang shelter hospitals under the guidance of the experts from the Central Steering Group, and admitted and treated over 12,000 patients in total.

    Treatment expenses of the infected with Covid-19 were covered by the medical insurance with necessary subsidies from the state finance, which demonstrates the advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics in guaranteeing people's livelihood. China provided free treatment for all patients diagnosed with Covid-19 to ensure that no patient was precluded from being properly treated for financial reasons. According to statistics, as of May 31, 2020, the per capita medical expenses of confirmed inpatients reached 23,000 yuan (RMB), of which the per capita treatment cost for severe inpatients exceeded 150,000 yuan, and the treatment costs for a few critical inpatients reached hundreds of thousands or even more than 1 million yuan. In May 2020, Wuhan City, Hubei Province launched an all-inclusive nucleic acid test for its population. Nearly ten millions of people completed the free test within 10 days, and the expenses of more than RMB 900 million Yuan thus incurred were covered by the government.

    China has mobilized medical resources and strengths of the whole country to fully support the medical treatment of Covid-19 patients in Hubei Province and Wuhan City. A total of 346 national medical teams, 42,600 medical personnel, and more than 900 public health personnel nationwide raced against the clock to assist Wuhan. Nineteen provinces dispatched medical teams to Hubei’s 16 cities other than Wuhan by means of the pairing assistance mechanism. Medical equipment and material resources such as ventilators, artificial lungs (ECMO), protective clothing and N95 masks were continuously delivered to Hubei and Wuhan, providing a strong guarantee for treating patients and saving lives. Since the outbreak, Hubei Province has successfully cured more than 3,000 Covid-19 patients that are over 80 years old, 7 of whom are over 100 years old.


    疫情爆發(fā)后,全國人民識大體、顧大局,響應號召、自我隔離,閉門(mén)不出、支持抗疫。中國人民對中國共產(chǎn)黨和中國政府高度信任,自覺(jué)承擔社會(huì )責任,外出佩戴口罩、測量體溫、保持社交距離。在社區防控戰場(chǎng)上,黨員干部帶頭發(fā)動(dòng)群眾開(kāi)展聯(lián)防聯(lián)控、群防群控,緊緊依靠人民群眾構筑起與疫情斗爭的鋼鐵防線(xiàn)。廣大基層社區工作者、人民警察、下沉干部、志愿者、快遞小哥等各行各業(yè)工作者沖鋒在前、無(wú)私奉獻,凝聚起抗擊疫情的磅礴力量。

    中國共產(chǎn)黨充分展現出植根人民、為人民服務(wù)的本色。全國460多萬(wàn)個(gè)基層黨組織,廣泛動(dòng)員群眾、組織群眾、凝聚群眾、服務(wù)群眾,筑起一座座抗擊疫情的堅強堡壘。據統計,全國3900多萬(wàn)名黨員、干部戰斗在抗疫一線(xiàn),1300多萬(wàn)名黨員參加志愿服務(wù),黨員干部與人民群眾共同構成了打贏(yíng)疫情防控阻擊戰的主力軍。應對疫情過(guò)程中,黨領(lǐng)導工會(huì )、共青團、婦聯(lián)等人民團體和各類(lèi)社會(huì )組織廣泛參與,彰顯了志愿奉獻、友愛(ài)互助的中國精神。

    海內外中華兒女通過(guò)各種方式和渠道積極捐款和捐贈各類(lèi)防疫物資,譜寫(xiě)了守望相助、共克時(shí)艱的抗疫篇章。一筆筆捐款、一箱箱物資,香港、澳門(mén)特別行政區同胞,臺灣同胞和海外華僑華人傾力支援祖國抗疫。新冠肺炎疫情在全球急速蔓延,國家主席習近平親自致電許多國家領(lǐng)導人,希望高度重視并維護好海外中國公民的身體健康和生命安全。中國政府毫無(wú)保留地同世衛組織和國際社會(huì )分享防控經(jīng)驗,向100多個(gè)國家和地區組織提供緊急援助,向各國出口防疫物資,積極開(kāi)展國際科研交流合作,建設人類(lèi)衛生健康共同體。

    3. Mobilizing All Chinese People to Fight the Epidemic Together 

    After the outbreak of the epidemic, the Chinese people across the country bore the overall situation in mind and properly responded to the instructions and calls. They carried out self-monitored quarantine, stayed behind closed doors and supported the fight against the epidemic. With a high degree of trust in the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, the Chinese people consciously assumed social responsibilities, wearing masks outdoors, measuring their body temperatures regularly, and meticulously practising social distancing. On the battlefield of community prevention and control, CPC members and officials took the lead in mobilizing the residents to carry out joint and society-wide prevention and control. They relied closely on the people to build a steel defense line against the epidemic. People from all walks of life, such as grassroots community workers, police, officials dispatched to work in communities, volunteers, and couriers went all out to make selfless contributions and rallied a powerful force to combat the epidemic. 

    The Communist Party of China has fully demonstrated its true nature of rooting in and serving the people. More than 4.6 million grassroots party organizations across the country have extensively mobilized, organized, rallied and served the people. Thus strong fortresses have been built to fight the epidemic. According to statistics, more than 39 million CPC members and officials across the country have performed their duties on the front line against the epidemic, and more than 13 million CPC members contributed their voluntary services. CPC members and officials together with the people constituted the main force in defeating the epidemic. Also in the process, trade unions, Communist Youth Leagues, Women's Federations and various social organizations, led by the Chinese Communist Party, participated in the fight against the epidemic extensively, demonstrating the Chinese mettle with voluntary dedication, friendship and mutual support. 

    The Chinese people at home and abroad launched a high wave of fund and material donations for epidemic prevention through various ways and channels, making an anti-epidemic epic of helping each other and overcoming difficulties side by side. The fund and material donations represent the wholehearted support of compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao SARs, compatriots in Taiwan and overseas Chinese for the motherland in need to fight the epidemic. Later, given the rapid spread of Covid-19 around the world, President Xi Jinping personally called leaders of many countries, hoping for them to attach great importance to and safeguard the health and safety of overseas Chinese citizens. The Chinese government has unreservedly shared prevention and control experience with WHO and the international community, provided emergency assistance for more than 100 countries and regional organizations, exported epidemic prevention materials, proactively carried out international scientific research exchanges and cooperation, and strove to build a global shared community of health for all.

    四、統籌疫情防控與經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展

    疫情終會(huì )過(guò)去,生活仍要繼續。在武漢和湖北疫情得到控制、全國疫情總體平穩之時(shí),中共中央作出統籌疫情防控和經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展、有序復工復產(chǎn)的重大決策。2月23日,中共中央總書(shū)記、國家主席、中央軍委主席習近平出席統籌推進(jìn)新冠肺炎疫情防控和經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展工作部署會(huì )議,通過(guò)視頻直接面向全國17萬(wàn)名干部進(jìn)行動(dòng)員部署,強調要在疫情防控條件下充分釋放發(fā)展動(dòng)能,努力實(shí)現經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展目標任務(wù)。

    在應對疫情過(guò)程中,中國科學(xué)研判、精準施策,始終保持社會(huì )穩定、有序運轉。雖然中國采取了最嚴格的管控措施,但不論是在城市還是農村,總體上各類(lèi)物資供應充足,水電氣暖供應正常,關(guān)系國計民生的重點(diǎn)行業(yè)有序運轉,14億人民的基本生活得到有效保障。疫情期間社會(huì )秩序井然有序,社會(huì )治安和公共安全形勢保持穩定。

    中國政府制定“六穩”、“六?!闭?,在全球率先啟動(dòng)復工復產(chǎn)。一季度中國經(jīng)濟社會(huì )發(fā)展經(jīng)受住了新冠肺炎疫情帶來(lái)的嚴峻考驗,總體上展現出較強的韌性。全國規模以上工業(yè)企業(yè)平均開(kāi)工率已達99%,中小企業(yè)復工率超過(guò)80%。中國政府制定了一系列減稅降費政策,為企業(yè)特別是中小企業(yè)和個(gè)體工商戶(hù)減負紓困。各地區各部門(mén)想盡一切辦法,保就業(yè)、保民生。中國經(jīng)濟運行加快回歸常態(tài),經(jīng)濟活力正在快速釋放。各地實(shí)施常態(tài)化防控前提下,有序全面開(kāi)放商場(chǎng)、超市、賓館、餐館等生活場(chǎng)所,全國累計1.63億學(xué)生(含幼兒園)返校復學(xué)復課。

    4. Coordinating Epidemic Prevention and Control with Economic and Social Development 

    The epidemic will eventually be gone, and life has to continue. When the epidemic in Wuhan and Hubei Province as a whole was put under control and the national epidemic situation became universally moderate, the CPC Central Committee made a major decision to coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development for resuming work and production in an orderly manner. On February 23, President Xi Jinping attended the meeting for coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development. Through video confererencing, he directly called on the 170,000 officials present at the event across the country to be mobilized, emphasizing the need to fully tap the potential of development momentum in the context of epidemic prevention and control to achieve the goals and fulfill the tasks set for the years’ economic and social development. 

    In the process of dealing with the epidemic, China has made scientific judgments and implemented precise policies, and maintained social stability and normal functioning. Although China has adopted the strictest control measures in both urban and rural areas, the supplies of various materials are sufficient, the supplies of water, electricity and heating stay unchanged, the key industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood keep operating smoothly, and the basic livelihood of 1.4 billion people is effectively guaranteed. Through the epidemic, the society was in good order, and the public security and public safety situation remained stable.

    The Chinese government has formulated the policies of "six stabilizations" and "six guarantees", taking the lead in resuming work and production across the world. In the first quarter of this year, China's economic and social development withstood the severe ordeal brought about by the epidemic, and showed strong resilience on the whole. On average, 99 percent of the enterprises of designated size across the country have resumed operation, and over 80 percent of the SMEs have resumed operations. The Chinese government has formulated a series of tax and fee reduction policies to relieve the burden of enterprises, especially SMEs and self-employed businesses. All regions and departments have tried every means to ensure employment and people's livelihood. China's economic operation is returning to normal at an accelerating rate, and its economic vitality is being rapidly unleashed. Under the premise of normalized epidemic prevention and control, shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and all other facilities have been opened gradually. A total of 163 million students (including children in kindergartens) across the country have returned to schools and resumed classes.