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    中英對照:全面建成小康社會(huì ) 開(kāi)啟全面建設社會(huì )主義現代化國家新征程


    全面建成小康社會(huì ) 開(kāi)啟全面建設

    社會(huì )主義現代化國家新征程



    Build a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Embark on a New Journey Toward Fully Building a Modern Socialist Country

    –Thoughts on the Study of "Poverty Alleviation", Xi Jinping: The Governance of China (Volume III)

    《習近平談治國理政》第三卷收入了習近平在2017年10月18日至2020年1月13日期間的報告、講話(huà)、談話(huà)、演講、批示、指示、賀信等92篇,分為19個(gè)專(zhuān)題。這部著(zhù)作是中共十九大以來(lái)習近平領(lǐng)導中國人民攻堅克難、砥礪前行的最新成果,是中國共產(chǎn)黨不忘初心、牢記使命,團結帶領(lǐng)人民創(chuàng )造更加幸福美好生活的最新指南,是為世界謀大同、推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體的最新方案。本文聚焦《習近平談治國理政》第三卷的第五篇專(zhuān)題,即“決勝全面建成小康社會(huì ),決戰脫貧攻堅”,該專(zhuān)題選編了4篇重要論述,明確指出決戰脫貧攻堅對于決勝全面建成小康社會(huì )的重大意義,全面闡述了中國脫貧攻堅戰的主要做法和重大成就,系統總結了在脫貧攻堅偉大實(shí)踐中積累的寶貴經(jīng)驗。自中共中央在改革開(kāi)放之初提出小康社會(huì )的戰略構想以來(lái),幾代人一以貫之、接續奮斗,奮斗目標一步步變?yōu)楝F實(shí)。中共十八大報告首次明確提出“全面建成小康社會(huì )”,中共十九大更是發(fā)出決勝全面建成小康社會(huì )的動(dòng)員令,要求在“兩個(gè)一百年”奮斗目標的歷史交匯期,既全面建成小康社會(huì )、實(shí)現第一個(gè)百年奮斗目標,又乘勢而上開(kāi)啟全面建設社會(huì )主義現代化國家新征程,向第二個(gè)百年奮斗目標進(jìn)軍。

    The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China collects 92 articles, including speeches, conversations, instructions and letters of Xi Jinping between October 18, 2017 and January 13, 2020, which are divided into 19 topics. This work is the latest achievement of Xi Jinping in leading the Chinese people to overcome difficulties and work hard to press ahead since the 19th CPC National Congress, and it is the latest guide for the CPC to remain true to its original aspiration and founding mission, unite and lead the people to create a happier and better life. It is the latest plan to seek great harmony for the world and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This article focuses on the fifth topic of the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, that is, "Secure a Decisive Victory in Building a Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects and Winning the Battle against Poverty " This topic has compiled four important discourses, which clearly points out the great significance of securing a decisive victory in poverty alleviation for the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, expounds the main practices and major achievements of China's efforts to eradicate  poverty, and systematically sums up the valuable experience accumulated in the practice of poverty alleviation. Since the CPC Central Committee put forward the strategic concept of "Xiaokang"(moderately prosperous and well-off) at the beginning of reform and opening up, several generations have struggled one after another, making the goal a reality step by step. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress clearly put forward "building a moderately prosperous society in all respects" for the first time, and the 19th CPC National Congress issued a mobilization order for it, requiring that during the historical confluence period of the "Two Centenary" Goals, we should not only build a moderately prosperous society in all respects way and achieve the first centenary goal, but also take advantage of the opportunity to embark on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country in all respects and march toward the second centenary goal. 

    到2020年全面建成小康社會(huì ),是以習近平同志為核心的黨中央向人民、向歷史作出的莊嚴承諾。中國全面建成小康社會(huì ),不僅加快全球減貧進(jìn)程,為全球減貧事業(yè)作出重大貢獻,也為其他發(fā)展中國家減貧樹(shù)立標桿,堅定了全世界消除貧困的信心。

    Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020 is a solemn commitment to the people and to history made by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects in China has not only accelerated the global poverty reduction process and made significant contributions to the global poverty reduction cause, but also set a benchmark for poverty reduction in other developing countries and strengthened the world's confidence in poverty eradication.




    臨洮縣的百合一直是特色農產(chǎn)品,品相飽滿(mǎn),生食甘甜,但卻苦于缺乏銷(xiāo)路,賣(mài)不上價(jià)錢(qián)。當地有很多像申韋娟一樣未脫貧或者剛脫貧的農戶(hù)種植百合,但沒(méi)有形成產(chǎn)業(yè)規模。為了幫助村民戰勝貧困,從省、市,到縣、鄉、村,大大小小各級干部都想辦法,在當地引入精準扶貧模式,協(xié)調銀行提供低成本貸款,幫助擴大種植面積,發(fā)動(dòng)賦閑在家的貧困戶(hù)參與生產(chǎn),預購種植訂單,由龍頭企業(yè)回購貧困戶(hù)種植百合,提前鎖定收購價(jià),調動(dòng)貧困戶(hù)生產(chǎn)積極性。同時(shí),倡議干部群眾采購扶貧農產(chǎn)品,利用網(wǎng)絡(luò )直播,線(xiàn)上線(xiàn)下都加強推廣,讓扶貧農產(chǎn)品人人皆知;加大“扶智”力度,舉辦免費培訓班讓農戶(hù)學(xué)習新型種植技術(shù)、農產(chǎn)品品牌建設以及互聯(lián)網(wǎng)銷(xiāo)售模式;加強有針對性的幫扶,村里成立了百合種植合作社,對申韋娟這樣家庭更加困難的,提供更多無(wú)息貸款,提供一對一技術(shù)指導,給雙份的肥料。

    在各方持續不斷的努力下,申韋娟的百合長(cháng)勢喜人,全家都感覺(jué)更有干勁。但到了收獲的季節,一開(kāi)始卻一直沒(méi)有收購商上門(mén),如果天冷上凍,就無(wú)法采挖百合,一年的辛苦就會(huì )白費。在合作社理事長(cháng)的不斷協(xié)調下,百合終于賣(mài)上了滿(mǎn)意的價(jià)錢(qián),為申韋娟一家帶來(lái)七萬(wàn)九千二百元收入,還欠債、孩子上學(xué)、丈夫治病、日常開(kāi)銷(xiāo),終于有了著(zhù)落,申韋娟堅定了來(lái)年繼續種植百合的信心。不久,包家山村又建起了冷庫,百合保鮮存儲的后顧之憂(yōu)也解決了,全村人都有了富起來(lái)的希望。


    1. To See the Whole Through a Small Part: the Way out of Poverty in the Land of Lilies

    Xi Jinping on many occasions has repeatedly stressed that "whether it is a well-off society or not, it depends on the fellow villagers." In his opinion, to judge whether a society is "prosperous and well-off" or not, we should look not only at the total economic output, but also at the quality of life of the common people; not only at the average, but also at the majority. In China the majority of population is obviously the vast agricultural population. 

    Lintao, Gansu Province, is a state-level poverty-stricken county on the Loess Plateau. It is dry and short of rain all the year round, with yellow sand rampant and the road winding. Limited by the terrain, people are unable to deploy farming machinery, but to retain the most traditional farming method, bending all day long on terraced fields. Many farmers once struggled below the poverty line, and Shen Weijuan is one of them. She is an ordinary rural woman in Baojiashan Village, Shangying Township, Lintao County. Her husband suffered from serious liver disease a few years ago. Although his life was saved, he almost lost all his labor capability. Apart from simple housework such as washing and cooking, he could not do any heavy work. Even after medical insurance reimbursement, she spends 40,000 to 50,000 yuan on her husband's medical treatment. Besides, her frail and sickly father is in his 70s, her eldest daughter studying in vocational high school and her youngest son in junior high school. Being the only one to take care of the 30 mu of farm land in the family, she starts to work at four o'clock every morning, and all the burdens are on her shoulder. In the face of such a situation, it is inevitable for her to feel desperate.

    Plump and sweet, the lilies in Lintao County have always been a kind of special agricultural products, but they suffer from lack of market access and cannot sell at a good price. Shen Weijuan and many local farmers struggling on the poverty line grow lilies in the country, but their production has not reached an industrial scale. In order to help villagers, cadres at all levels, high rank or low, from provinces and cities to counties, townships, and villages, figure out ways to alleviate poverty. They introduced targeted poverty alleviation models, coordinated banks to provide low-interest loans, and helped expand the planting scope by mobilizing the unemployed impoverished households to participate in the production. They coordinated leading enterprises to place orders for upcoming products at a preset price so as to boost the farmers’ morale. At the same time, they encouraged cadres and the common people to purchase these agricultural products, making use of live broadcast on the Internet, and strengthening the promotion both online and offline, so as to make the products known to everyone. They also held free training courses for farmers to learn about new planting techniques, brand building of agricultural products and methods of Internet sales. Meanwhile, they strengthened targeted assistance, with lily planting cooperatives in the village providing more interest-free loans, one-to-one technical guidance and a double portion of fertilizer for families like Shen Weijuan. 

    With sustained efforts of all parties, Shen Weijuan's lilies were growing gratifyingly, and the whole family felt more energetic. However, when it came to the harvest season, no one came to buy. If the situation had continued and the lily had remained in the gradually freezing fields, the whole year’s labors would have been lost in vain. Under the continuous coordination of the director of the cooperative, the lilies finally sold at a satisfactory price, bringing an income of 79,200 yuan for Shen Weijuan's family. She finally got the money to pay her debts, the children's school fee, her husband's medical treatment, and their daily expenses. This strengthened Shen Weijuan's confidence to continue to plant lilies in the coming year. What's more, cold storage soon was built in Baojiashan Village. With the worry about storage gone, all the villagers had the hope of getting rich. 

    In March 2020, Lintao County was finally removed from the poverty list.



    中國深度貧困地區的脫貧任務(wù)依然艱巨。習近平2019年4月在解決“兩不愁三保障”突出問(wèn)題座談會(huì )上的講話(huà)中指出,“三區三州”仍有172萬(wàn)建檔立卡貧困人口,占全國現有貧困人口的12.5%,貧困發(fā)生率8.2%。全國還有98個(gè)縣貧困發(fā)生率在10%以上,建檔立卡貧困人口359.6萬(wàn)人,占全國的26%,貧困發(fā)生率比全國高出13.3個(gè)百分點(diǎn)。所謂“三區三州”,“三區”是指西藏自治區和青海、四川、甘肅、云南四省藏區及南疆的和田地區、阿克蘇地區、喀什地區、克孜勒蘇柯?tīng)柨俗巫灾沃菟牡貐^;“三州”是指四川涼山州、云南怒江州、甘肅臨夏州。這些地區,是脫貧攻堅的難中之難、堅中之堅。

    習近平2018年2月12日在打好精準脫貧攻堅戰座談會(huì )上的講話(huà)中指出,脫貧攻堅的目標就是要做到“兩個(gè)確?!保捍_?,F行標準下的農村貧困人口全部脫貧,消除絕對貧困;確保貧困縣全部摘帽,解決區域性整體貧困。何為扶貧標準?就是穩定實(shí)現貧困人口“兩不愁三保障”,即不愁吃、不愁穿,義務(wù)教育、基本醫療、住房安全有保障;以及穩定實(shí)現貧困地區基本公共服務(wù)領(lǐng)域主要指標接近全國平均水平。


    2. Set a Clear Goal: to Eradicate Absolute Poverty

    In 2019, the incidence of poverty in all provinces in China has generally dropped to 2.2% or less, but there are seven provinces with an incidence of poverty of 1%-2.2%, including Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan, Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang, and there are also seven provinces with an incidence of poverty of 0.5%-1%, including Shanxi, Jilin, Henan, Hunan, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Ningxia. These 14 regions are the key areas in the nation’s final bid to eradicate poverty. 

    The task of poverty alleviation in the above-mentioned regions is still arduous. In his speech at the forum on solving the protruding problems of "two no worries and three guarantees" in April 2019, Xi Jinping pointed out that there are still 1.72 million impoverished people in the "three regions and three prefectures", accounting for 12.5% of the existing poor population in the country, and the incidence of poverty there is 8.2%. In 98 counties across the country, the incidence of poverty is more than 10%, with 3.596 million people living in poverty, accounting for 26% of the country's total, and the incidence of poverty is 13.3% higher than that of the whole country. For the so-called "three regions and three prefectures", "three regions" refer to the Tibet Autonomous Region; the Tibetan regions of Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu and Yunnan provinces; and the southern Xinjiang region including the Hotan, Aksu, Kashgar and Kizilsu Kirgiz prefectures. The "three prefectures" refer to Liangshan Prefecture in Sichuan, Nujiang Prefecture in Yunnan, and Linxia Prefecture in Gansu Province. They are the toughest part in the tough battle against poverty.

    In his speech at the forum on fighting for targeted poverty alleviation on February 12, 2018, Xi Jinping pointed out that the goal of poverty alleviation is to achieve the "two ensures": to ensure that all the rural poor under the current standards are lifted out of poverty and that absolute poverty is eliminated; to ensure that all poverty-stricken counties are removed from the poverty list and the problem of overall regional poverty is solved. What is the standard of poverty alleviation? It is to steadily realize the "two no worries and three guarantees" for the poor population. That is, people don’t worry about food and clothing and have their access to compulsory education, basic medical services and safe housing guaranteed. Generally speaking, under continuous efforts, the main indicators in the field of basic public services in poverty-stricken areas should be close to the national average.

    Lintao County is only one of the tens of thousands of counties in China to shake off poverty and become rich. The story of getting rid of poverty like Shen Weijuan is being staged everywhere in China. According to the current poverty standards, the number of people living in poverty in China has decreased from 98.99 million at the end of 2012 to 5.51 million at the end of 2019. For seven consecutive years, the number of people living in poverty has been reduced by more than 10 million, and the incidence of poverty has dropped from 10.2% to 0.6%. The problem of overall regional poverty has been basically solved, and the basic production and living conditions in poverty-stricken areas have also been significantly improved.


    習近平在打好精準脫貧攻堅戰座談會(huì )上的講話(huà)中指出,在脫貧攻堅的偉大實(shí)踐中,我們積累了許多寶貴經(jīng)驗,主要包括:一是堅持中國共產(chǎn)黨的領(lǐng)導,強化組織保證;二是堅持精準方略,提高脫貧實(shí)效;三是堅持加大投入,強化資金支持;四是堅持社會(huì )動(dòng)員,凝聚各方力量;五是堅持從嚴要求,促進(jìn)真抓實(shí)干;六是堅持群眾主體,激發(fā)內生動(dòng)力。這些是脫貧攻堅的寶貴經(jīng)驗,必須長(cháng)期堅持并不斷完善和發(fā)展。

    習近平2015年11月在中央扶貧開(kāi)發(fā)工作會(huì )議上明確提出,脫貧攻堅要重點(diǎn)解決“扶持誰(shuí)”、“誰(shuí)來(lái)扶”、“怎么扶”、“如何退”4個(gè)問(wèn)題。



    “怎么扶”——脫貧攻堅要見(jiàn)成效。按照貧困地區和貧困人口的具體情況,實(shí)施“五個(gè)一批”工程,即發(fā)展生產(chǎn)脫貧一批、易地搬遷脫貧一批、生態(tài)補償脫貧一批、發(fā)展教育脫貧一批、社會(huì )保障兜底一批。中國貧困人口總基數大,不同地區有不同特點(diǎn),要缺什么就補什么,能干什么就干什么,扶到點(diǎn)上扶到根上。



    3. Secure a Decisive Victory in Eradicating Poverty: Mastering Scientific Methods

    In his speech at the forum on fighting for targeted poverty alleviation, Xi Jinping pointed out that in the great practice of getting rid of poverty, we have accumulated a lot of valuable experience, mainly including: first, adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and strengthen organizational guarantee; second, adhere to targeted strategies to improve the effectiveness of poverty alleviation; third, persist in increasing investment and strengthen financial support; fourth, adhere to social mobilization and unite the efforts of all parties; fifth, adhere to strict requirements and promote practical work; sixth, adhere to the main body of the masses and stimulate endogenous power. These are valuable experiences in eradicating poverty and must be adhered to in the long term and constantly improved and developed. 

    Xi Jinping made it clear at the Central Committee's Working Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Development in November 2015 that we should focus on solving the four problems of "whom to help", "who will help", "how to help" and "how to delist".

    "Whom to help"—help those who are really in need. Make sure that we know who are the real impoverished people, the number, the degree of poverty, the causes of poverty, and so on, and set up a file card for each poor household. 

    "Who will help"—party members and cadres take the lead and set a good example. The more we fight against poverty, the more we need to strengthen and improve the leadership of the Party. A total of more than 3 million cadres from organs at and above the county level and state-owned enterprises and institutions have been selected throughout the country to station in village and provide assistance. At present, there are more than 200,000 party first secretaries and 700,000 cadres stationed in the village, as well as nearly 2 million poverty alleviation cadres in towns and millions of village cadres.

    "How to help"— efforts for poverty eradication must yield results. According to the specific conditions of poverty-stricken areas and poverty-stricken people, we will implement "five-batch" projects, that is, to get rid of poverty by boosting local industrial development, by relocation, by ecological compensation, by education and training, and by social security. The total number of poor people in China is large, and different regions have different characteristics. We can make up for what they need, do whatever we can, and give them fundamental and timely support. 

    "How to delist"—remove the names from the poverty alleviation list according to strict procedures. We should clarify the standards and procedures for counties, villages and people to be removed from the poverty alleviation list; we should set a timetable and a buffer period, carry out strict evaluation, and remove the names of household from the list one by one. We should guide all localities to scientifically and rationally formulate rolling plans and annual plans for poverty alleviation, to arrange strict evaluation by third parties before removing the relevant counties from the poverty alleviation list. Meanwhile, it is necessary to prevent returning to poverty. We should continue to tackle the key problems, consolidate our gains, and shoulder our responsibilities. We should continue to implement our policies, assistance and supervision, establishing and improving a long-term mechanism for stable poverty alleviation, enhancing their "hematopoiesis" function, and preventing them from returning to poverty.

    Targeted strategies are the key to winning the battle against poverty. The targets of poverty alleviation should be specific; the arrangement of projects, the use of funds, the measures for each household, the people sent to the village to help, and the results of poverty alleviation should all be targeted and specific. We should persist in implementing different strategies based on different people and places, different causes of poverty and different poverty types, distinguishing different situations so as to prescribe the right remedy to each case, and carry out targeted treatment.

    四、建成小康社會(huì ):“全面”是關(guān)鍵

    全面建成小康社會(huì )是一個(gè)實(shí)實(shí)在在的目標。習近平指出,“小康”這個(gè)概念出自《禮記·禮運》,是中華民族自古以來(lái)追求的理想社會(huì )狀態(tài),使用“小康”這個(gè)概念來(lái)確立中國的發(fā)展目標,既符合中國發(fā)展實(shí)際,也容易得到最廣大人民的理解和支持。

    小康社會(huì ),更重要的也是更難做到的是“全面”。在中共十八屆五中全會(huì )第二次全體會(huì )議上,習近平強調,“小康”講的是發(fā)展水平,“全面”講的是發(fā)展的平衡性、協(xié)調性、可持續性,如果到2020年我們在總量和速度上完成了目標,但發(fā)展不平衡、不協(xié)調、不可持續問(wèn)題更加嚴重,短板更加突出,就算不上真正實(shí)現了目標,即使最后宣布實(shí)現了,也無(wú)法得到人民群眾和國際社會(huì )認可。

    “全面小康”,覆蓋的領(lǐng)域要全面,是五位一體全面進(jìn)步。經(jīng)濟要更加發(fā)展、民主要更加健全、科教要更加進(jìn)步、文化要更加繁榮、社會(huì )要更加和諧、人民生活要更加殷實(shí)。堅持以經(jīng)濟建設為中心的同時(shí),全面推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟、政治、文化、社會(huì )、生態(tài)文明建設,促進(jìn)現代化建設各個(gè)環(huán)節、各個(gè)方面協(xié)調發(fā)展。

    “全面小康”,覆蓋的人口要全面,是惠及全體人民的小康。全面建成小康社會(huì )突出短板主要在民生領(lǐng)域,要堅守底線(xiàn)、突出重點(diǎn)、完善制度、引導預期,注重機會(huì )公平,保障基本民生。脫貧最突出短板在農村,農村貧困人口脫貧,是全面建成小康社會(huì )的基本標志。另外針對特定人群的特定困難,要幫他們解決實(shí)際問(wèn)題,比如,對城鎮低保人口要保障基本生活,對老年人要增強養老、醫療,對農民工要提供基本公共服務(wù),對大學(xué)畢業(yè)生要讓他們有地方住,對城鎮登記失業(yè)人員要讓他們有一技之長(cháng),等等。

    “全面小康”,覆蓋的區域要全面,是城鄉區域共同的小康??s小城鄉區域發(fā)展差距是全面建成小康社會(huì )的重要任務(wù),不僅是縮小國內生產(chǎn)總值總量和增長(cháng)速度差距,更需要縮小居民收入水平、基礎設施通達水平、基本公共服務(wù)均等化水平、人民生活水平等方面的差距??s小差距不能脫離區域實(shí)際,必須全面考量,因為不同區域承擔主體功能不同,比如青海和西藏,是重點(diǎn)生態(tài)功能區,扶貧就不能盲目搞開(kāi)發(fā)。中共中央提出了京津冀協(xié)同發(fā)展、粵港澳大灣區建設、長(cháng)三角一體化發(fā)展,實(shí)施鄉村振興戰略等,正是著(zhù)眼全面小康要全國一盤(pán)棋。

    4. To Build a Moderately Prosperous Society: "All Respects" is the Key

    Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is a real goal. Xi Jinping pointed out that the concept of "Xiaokang"(moderately prosperous and well-off) comes from the "Liji Liyun"(The Book of Rites) and is an ideal social state pursued by the Chinese people since ancient times. The use of the concept of "Xiaokang" to establish China's development goals is not only in line with China's development reality, but also easy to be understood and supported by the overwhelming majority of the people. 

    In building a moderately prosperous society, the more important and more difficult thing is to be in "all respects". At the second session of the fifth plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee, Xi Jinping stressed that "moderately prosperous" is about the level of development, and "all respects" is about the balance, coordination and sustainability of development. If we achieve our goals in terms of total quantity and speed by 2020, but the problems of unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development are more serious, and the shortcomings are more prominent, the goals are not really achieved. Even if it is finally announced that they have been achieved, it cannot be recognized by the people and the international community.

    A "moderately prosperous society in all respects" should cover all areas and make progress in 5 aspects: economy should be more developed; democracy should be sounder; science and education should be more advanced and culture should be diversified and more prosperous; society should be more harmonious; and people's lives should be more affluent. While persisting in taking economic development as the central task, we should comprehensively promote the building of economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization, and promote the coordinated development of all links and aspects of the modernization drive.

    A "moderately prosperous society in all respects" covers the widest scope of population, and is a well-off society that benefits all the people. The difficulty of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects lies mainly in the field of people's livelihood. we should stick to the bottom line, highlight key points, improve the systems, guide expectations, create fair opportunities, and ensure people's basic livelihood. The most prominent deficiency in poverty alleviation lies in rural areas, and people there getting rid of poverty is the basic symbol of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. In addition, in view of the specific difficulties of different groups of people, it is necessary to help them solve their specific problems, such as ensuring the basic livelihood of the urban population with minimum living standard guarantee, strengthening old-age care and medical care for the elderly, and providing basic public services to migrant workers, finding a place to live for the college graduates, and providing training for urban registered unemployed people, and so on.

    A "moderately prosperous society in all respects" covers the widest scope of areas, and means a well-off society in both urban and rural areas. Narrowing the development gap between urban and rural areas is an important task for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We should not only narrow the gap between the total GDP and growth rates in different areas, but also narrow the gaps between residents' income, infrastructure access, basic public services access, people's living standards and so on. For narrowing the gaps, we cannot break away from the regional reality and must take everything into consideration, because different regions have different main functions, for instance, Qinghai and Tibet are key ecological functional areas, so industrial development cannot be blindly carried out there for poverty alleviation. It is just out of a "whole country" perspective that the CPC Central Committee has put forward the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the construction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the implementation of the strategy of rural revitalization.


    2020年,中國的目標是全面建成小康社會(huì ),完成現行標準下農村貧困人口實(shí)現脫貧、貧困縣全部摘帽、解決區域性整體貧困的任務(wù),這將是人類(lèi)歷史上首次徹底消除絕對貧困,將是人類(lèi)減貧史上的一大奇跡。中國脫貧攻堅具有獨特性,走的是與一條與以往一切發(fā)達國家完全不同的道路;中國脫貧攻堅又具有世界性意義,中國是全球最早實(shí)現聯(lián)合國千年發(fā)展目標中減貧目標的發(fā)展中國家,對全球減貧的貢獻率超過(guò)70%。在脫貧攻堅的決勝收官之年,必須下大力氣講好在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央帶領(lǐng)下中國擺脫貧困的故事,消除質(zhì)疑、建立認同,培育正向、健康,為世界人民讀得懂、能接受、可借鑒的扶貧話(huà)語(yǔ)體系。

    構建中國扶貧話(huà)語(yǔ)體系,一要梳理好中國扶貧事業(yè)的理論、實(shí)踐和制度成果,從中國減貧事業(yè)中提煉扶貧話(huà)語(yǔ)的精神內核,闡明中國貧困治理的經(jīng)驗和內生動(dòng)力;二要用好對外傳播的平臺和方法,探索國際社會(huì )認可的表述形式,用國際社會(huì )易理解、易認同、易傳播的話(huà)語(yǔ)表述中國扶貧故事,引導國際社會(huì )正向理解;三要善于運用國內視角,講述真實(shí)、生動(dòng)、具有鄉土氣息的扶貧故事,提升扶貧話(huà)語(yǔ)“講出去”的自信,培育更多扶貧故事講述者;四要積極拓展國外視角,加大對國際流行話(huà)語(yǔ)體系的研究力度,捕捉和跟隨其趨勢,打破中國扶貧故事的認知和傳播壁壘,矯正國際傳播中的片面認知。

    在當前復雜的國際形勢下,全球同時(shí)面臨疫情防控和本國發(fā)展的雙重考驗。在全面建成小康社會(huì )、打贏(yíng)精準脫貧攻堅戰、實(shí)現“十三五”規劃的關(guān)鍵之年,堅持以習近平新時(shí)代中國特色社會(huì )主義思想為指導,在國際輿論舞臺上講好中國扶貧故事,傳播中國聲音,運用話(huà)語(yǔ)的力量奪取國際發(fā)展的主動(dòng)權至關(guān)重要。講好中國扶貧故事,既有助于傳播中國智慧、展示中國方案,更是對中國特色社會(huì )主義道路和制度合理性的有力證明。全面建成小康社會(huì ),要在說(shuō)中做、做中說(shuō),推動(dòng)減貧事業(yè)與構建扶貧話(huà)語(yǔ)體系齊頭并進(jìn)共同發(fā)力,讓說(shuō)與做、言與行都統一在每一個(gè)中國扶貧故事中,自信滿(mǎn)滿(mǎn)、聲音洪亮地向世界發(fā)出中國聲音。

    5. Tell a Good Story of Poverty Alleviation: Chinese Wisdom and Chinese Plan

    In 2020, China's goal is to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, accomplishing the task of lifting rural poor people out of poverty, removing the names of the counties in the poverty alleviation list, and solving the problem of overall regional poverty under the current standards. This will be the first time in human history that absolute poverty has been completely eradicated. It will be a great miracle in the history of human poverty reduction. China's poverty alleviation work is unique and follows a completely different path from all previous developed countries and it is of worldwide significance. China is the first developing country in the world to achieve the poverty reduction goals of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, contributing more than 70% of global poverty reduction. At the final year for securing a decisive victory against poverty, great efforts must be made to tell the story of China getting rid of poverty under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, to eliminate doubts, arouse resonance, and cultivate a positive and healthy poverty alleviation discourse system that can be understood and accepted by the people of the world.

    In order to cultivate China's poverty alleviation discourse system, first, we should sort out the theoretical, practical and institutional achievements of China's poverty alleviation cause, refine the spiritual core of poverty alleviation discourse, and clarify the experience and endogenous driving force of China's poverty management. Second, we should make good use of the platforms and methods of external communication to explore forms of expression recognized by the international community, and tell China's poverty alleviation stories in words that are easy to understand, resonate and spread by the international community, so as to guide the international community to have a positive understanding. Third, we should be good at using domestic perspectives to tell real, vivid and local stories about poverty alleviation, enhance the self-confidence of "speaking out" about poverty alleviation work, and cultivate more poverty alleviation storytellers. Fourth, we should actively expand our foreign perspective, strengthen the research on the popular international discourse system, capture and follow its trend, break the cognitive and communication barriers to China's poverty alleviation stories, and correct the one-sided cognition in international communication.

    In the current complex international situation, the world is facing the double tests of pandemic control and domestic development at the same time. In the critical year of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, of winning the battle to get rid of poverty, and of realizing the 13th Five-year Plan, it is important for us to persist in telling the story of China's poverty alleviation on the stage of international public opinion under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is important to spread China's voice and use the power of words to seize the initiative of international development. Telling a good story of poverty alleviation in China will not only help spread Chinese wisdom and demonstrate China's plan, but also prove the rationality of the road and system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In order to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we should do and tell, tell and do, promoting the cause of poverty reduction as well as building a discourse system. We should ensure that words and deeds are unified in every story of China's poverty alleviation. Full of confidence, we will speak out to the world.



    《習近平談治國理政》第三卷邏輯嚴密、結構科學(xué)、系統完整,兼具原創(chuàng )性、時(shí)代性、指導性,是全面系統反映習近平新時(shí)代中國特色社會(huì )主義思想最新發(fā)展成果的權威著(zhù)作。我們要認真學(xué)習這部著(zhù)作,注重引申學(xué)、系統學(xué)、全面學(xué),在學(xué)習中深化思考,在認識中拓展知識,在行動(dòng)中用科學(xué)理論指導實(shí)踐,深刻領(lǐng)會(huì )《習近平談治國理政》第三卷體現的習近平作為大黨大國領(lǐng)袖特有的強大真理力量和人格力量,彰顯的習近平高尚的為民情懷和寬廣的世界胸懷。


    By studying the fifth topic of the third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, it is not difficult for us to find that Xi Jinping has made a highly concise and accurate summary of the goals, approaches, standards and requirements for getting rid of poverty and telling the story of poverty alleviation effectively, and so on. This topic alone is so rich in connotation and profound in thought. 

    The third volume of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China boasts strict logic, scientific structure, complete system, and originality. It is updated and instructive, being an authoritative work that fully and systematically reflects the latest development achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We should study this work conscientiously, systematically, and comprehensively, deriving from it the solutions to our practical problems. We should deepen our thinking while studying, expand our knowledge while understanding, guiding our practice with scientific theory. We should have a deep understanding of what reflected in the book as Xi Jinping's power of truth and strength of personality as a leader of a major party, and his noble compassion for the people and a broad world mindset.