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    2020-09-29中國網(wǎng)/Beijing Review

    9月28日,當代中國特色話(huà)語(yǔ)外譯傳播平臺上線(xiàn)啟動(dòng)儀式在京舉行。中國外文局副局長(cháng)兼總編輯高岸明、中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )會(huì )長(cháng)周明偉、中宣部國際傳播局副局長(cháng)陳雪亮出席儀式,當代中國與世界研究院院長(cháng)于運全主持成立儀式。來(lái)自中央國家機關(guān)、企事業(yè)單位、新聞媒體、智庫研究機構、高校等的各語(yǔ)種專(zhuān)家60余人參加活動(dòng)。在與會(huì )嘉賓的共同見(jiàn)證下,高岸明宣布平臺正式上線(xiàn)。

    當代中國特色話(huà)語(yǔ)外譯傳播平臺(cialonline.com)是中國外文局、當代中國與世界研究院、中國翻譯研究院為進(jìn)一步貫徹落實(shí)中央關(guān)于“創(chuàng )新對外宣傳方式,加強話(huà)語(yǔ)體系建設,著(zhù)力打造融通中外的新概念新范疇新表述”這一總要求而建設的多語(yǔ)種翻譯成果展示平臺,旨在為新時(shí)代對外傳播翻譯工作提供黨政文獻文件關(guān)鍵語(yǔ)匯、最新術(shù)語(yǔ)、重要文本等多語(yǔ)種翻譯一站式服務(wù),也為國際社會(huì )了解當代中國思想、中國政策提供了一扇窗口。


    平臺界面簡(jiǎn)潔、清晰、明快,用戶(hù)友好,內容豐富。為幫助用戶(hù)第一時(shí)間了解對外翻譯傳播工作的最新成果,平臺在顯著(zhù)位置開(kāi)設最新權威發(fā)布(Latest Release)和業(yè)界資訊(News)兩個(gè)板塊,集中展示四個(gè)子平臺最新發(fā)布的權威內容,同時(shí)為廣大用戶(hù)提供翻譯和傳播界的最新資訊和動(dòng)態(tài)。



    CIPG launches translation portal

    A web portal on translation of key terms and expressions with Chinese characteristics,cialonline.com, was launched on September 28 in Beijing.

    The translation corpus, serving as a platform for international communication, is provided in multilingual versions. It is expected to present the international community a window into China's ideas and policies, Yu Yunquan said. Yu is President of the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS), a research institute affiliated to China International Publishing Group (CIPG).

    It aims to be an authoritative platform, equipping translators with vocabularies, terms and texts from official documents, Gao Anming, Vice President and Editor in Chief of CIPG, said.

    An integration of four sub-platforms including "Keywords to Understand China," the portal was jointly developed by CIPG, ACCWS and China Academy of Translation.

    On the same day, an expert committee on the review and evaluation of major translation works was established. The expert committee should actively undertake translation tasks and provide professional suggestions on translation work to let more people better understand China, Gao said.

    As channels and approaches to tell Chinese stories have seen changes, practitioners in the translation industry should help to form a more accurate and standardized corpus for international communication, Zhou Mingwei, President of the Translators Association of China, the only national association for the translation and interpretation community and language service in China, said.

    Pooling talents and resources from home and abroad, the committee will work to provide professional guarantee for completing translation tasks assigned by government departments, and promote the role of translation services in cultural communication with other countries.