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    習近平在2018年上海合作組織成員國元首理事會(huì )第十八次會(huì )議上的講話(huà)(摘編)


    編者按:2018年6月10日,上海合作組織成員國元首理事會(huì )第十八次會(huì )議在青島國際會(huì )議中心舉行。這是上海合作組織擴員后召開(kāi)的首次峰會(huì ),國際社會(huì )高度關(guān)注。中國國家主席習近平主持會(huì )議并發(fā)表重要講話(huà)。習近平的講話(huà),總結了上海合作組織17年的發(fā)展成就,總結了當前世界大變革中存在的積極發(fā)展趨勢,提出了破解時(shí)代難題的發(fā)展觀(guān)、安全觀(guān)、合作觀(guān)、文明觀(guān)、全球治理觀(guān)等"五觀(guān)",提出了構建上海合作組織命運共同體五大建議。具體講話(huà)內容如下:



    17年來(lái),我們以《上海合作組織憲章》、《上海合作組織成員國長(cháng)期睦鄰友好合作條約》為遵循,構建起不結盟、不對抗、不針對第三方的建設性伙伴關(guān)系。這是國際關(guān)系理論和實(shí)踐的重大創(chuàng )新,開(kāi)創(chuàng )了區域合作新模式,為地區和平與發(fā)展作出了新貢獻。


    上海合作組織始終保持旺盛生命力、強勁合作動(dòng)力,根本原因在于它創(chuàng )造性地提出并始終踐行"上海精神",主張互信、互利、平等、協(xié)商、尊重多樣文明、謀求共同發(fā)展。這超越了文明沖突、冷戰思維、零和博弈等陳舊觀(guān)念,掀開(kāi)了國際關(guān)系史嶄新的一頁(yè),得到國際社會(huì )日益廣泛的認同。








    當前,世界發(fā)展既充滿(mǎn)希望,也面臨挑戰,我們的未來(lái)無(wú)比光明,但前方的道路不會(huì )平坦。我們要進(jìn)一步弘揚"上海精神",破解時(shí)代難題,化解風(fēng)險挑戰。

    ——我們要提倡創(chuàng )新、協(xié)調、綠色、開(kāi)放、共享的發(fā)展觀(guān),實(shí)現各國經(jīng)濟社會(huì )協(xié)同進(jìn)步,解決發(fā)展不平衡帶來(lái)的問(wèn)題,縮小發(fā)展差距,促進(jìn)共同繁榮。








    第二,筑牢和平安全的共同基礎。我們要積極落實(shí)打擊"三股勢力"2019至2021年合作綱要,繼續舉行"和平使命"等聯(lián)合反恐演習,強化防務(wù)安全、執法安全、信息安全合作。要發(fā)揮"上海合作組織-阿富汗聯(lián)絡(luò )組"作用,促進(jìn)阿富汗和平重建進(jìn)程。未來(lái)3年,中方愿利用中國-上海合作組織國際司法交流合作培訓基地等平臺,為各方培訓2000名執法人員,強化執法能力建設。

    第三,打造共同發(fā)展繁榮的強勁引擎。我們要促進(jìn)發(fā)展戰略對接,本著(zhù)共商共建共享原則,推進(jìn)"一帶一路"建設,加快地區貿易便利化進(jìn)程,加緊落實(shí)國際道路運輸便利化協(xié)定等合作文件。中國歡迎各方積極參與今年11月將在上海舉辦的首屆中國國際進(jìn)口博覽會(huì )。中國政府支持在青島建設中國-上海合作組織地方經(jīng)貿合作示范區,還將設立"中國-上海合作組織法律服務(wù)委員會(huì )",為經(jīng)貿合作提供法律支持。



    第五,共同拓展國際合作的伙伴網(wǎng)絡(luò )。我們要強化同觀(guān)察員國、對話(huà)伙伴等地區國家交流合作,密切同聯(lián)合國等國際和地區組織的伙伴關(guān)系,同國際貨幣基金組織、世界銀行等國際金融機構開(kāi)展對話(huà),為推動(dòng)化解熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題、完善全球治理作出貢獻。






    Remarks by President Xi Jinping at the 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of SCO—Edited Excerpt

    Editor's Note: The 18th Meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) was held at Qingdao International Convention Center on June 10, 2018. It was the first summit held after the SCO admitted new members, something which has attracted high attention from the international community. Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech. President Xi summarized the achievements made over the 17 years since the SCO was established and the positive trends amid the major transformation of the current world. The president also put forward five principles relating to development, security, cooperation, civilization and global governance to surmount difficulties of the current era and five proposals to build an SCO community with a shared future. An edited excerpt follows:

    Achievements of SCO over 17 years 

    The SCO will celebrate its 17th birthday in five days, an occasion for us to review the organization's remarkable journey and important achievements.

    Over the past 17 years, guided by the SCO Charter and the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Between the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, we have forged a constructive partnership featuring non-alliance, non-confrontation and not targeting of any third party. In doing so, we have achieved a major breakthrough in the theories and practices of international relations, created a new model for regional cooperation, and made a new contribution to peace and development in our region.

    Today, the SCO stands as a comprehensive regional cooperation organization that covers the largest area and population in the world. Its members account for about 20 percent of the global economy and 40 percent of its population. The SCO has four observer states and six dialogue partners as well as extensive cooperation linkages with UN and other international and regional organizations. With its ever rising international influence, the SCO has become an important force for promoting global peace and development, and in upholding international justice and fairness.

    The SCO enjoys strong vitality and has a great momentum of cooperation. This, in the final analysis, is attributed to the Shanghai Spirit, a creative vision initiated and followed through by the SCO that champions mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diversity of civilizations and pursuit of common development. The Shanghai Spirit, transcending outdated concepts such as clash of civilizations and Cold War and zero-sum mentality, has opened a new page in the history of international relations and gained increasing endorsement of the international community.

    Positive trends amid major global changes 

    We must aim high and look far, keeping pace with the underlying global and temporal trends to push for more progress of human civilization at a time when the world is undergoing major developments, transformation and adjustment.

    While hegemony and power politics still persist in this world, the growing call for a more just and equitable international order has to be heeded. Democracy in international relations has become an unstoppable trend for our times.

    While various traditional and non-traditional security threats continue to emerge, the force for peace will prevail, for security and stability are what people long for.

    While unilateralism, trade protectionism and the backlash against globalization are taking new forms, in this global village of ours where countries' interests and future are so interconnected, the pursuit of cooperation for mutual benefit represents a surging, unstoppable trend.

    While we keep hearing such rhetoric about the clash of civilizations or the superiority of one civilization over another, it is the diversity of civilizations that sustains human progress. Indeed, mutual learning between different cultures is a shared aspiration of all peoples.

    Five concepts for surmounting difficulties head on 

    The world today faces both opportunities and challenges. The road ahead, bumpy as it may be, will lead to a promising future. We should stay committed to the Shanghai Spirit, surmount difficulties, defuse risks and meet any challenges head on.

    — We should uphold innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development, achieve coordinated social and economic progress for various countries and resolve issues caused by unbalanced development. We should bridge the gap in development and promote shared prosperity.

    — We should pursue common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. We should reject the Cold War mentality,resist confrontation between blocs and oppose the practices of seeking absolute security for oneself at the expense of others, so as to achieve security of all.

    — We should promote open and inclusive cooperation for win-win outcomes. We should reject self-centered, short-sighted and closed-door policies. We should uphold WTO rules and support the multilateral trading system so as to build an open world economy.

    — We should champion equality, mutual learning, dialogue and inclusiveness between civilizations. It is important that we overcome cultural misunderstanding, clashing ideologies and the attempt to create supremacy, mitigating these through exchanges, mutual learning and coexistence.

    — We should follow the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaboration in engaging in global governance. We should reform and improve the global governance system, and work with all other countries to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

    Five purposals for building an SCO community with a shared future 

    The Shanghai Spirit is our shared asset, and the SCO is our shared home. We should, guided by the Shanghai Spirit, work closely to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. To this end, I would like to propose the following:

    First, we need to build up strength of unity and mutual trust. We should ensure full implementation of the Qingdao Declaration, the Outline for the Implementation of the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation, and other documents. We should respect each other's choice of development paths and accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns. We should enhance mutual understanding by putting ourselves in others' positions and boost harmony and unity by seeking common ground and setting aside differences. This will enhance the cohesion and appeal of our organization.

    Second, we need to strengthen the foundation for shared peace and security. We need to actively implement the 2019-21 program of cooperation for combating "three evil forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, continue to conduct the "Peace Mission" and other joint counter-terrorism exercises, and enhance cooperation on defense security, law enforcement security and information security. We need to give full play to the role of the SCO-Afghanistan Contact Group to facilitate peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan. China offers to train 2,000 law enforcement officers for all parties in the next three years through the China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation and other platforms to enhance law enforcement capacity building.

    Third, we need to build a powerful engine to achieve common development and prosperity. We should increase complementarity of our respective development strategies, continue to advance the Belt and Road cooperation under the principle of delivering shared benefits through extensive consultation and joint contribution, accelerate regional trade facilitation, and step up the implementation of the Agreement on International Road Transport Facilitation and other cooperation documents. China will welcome all parties to the first China International Import Expo to be held in Shanghai in November this year. The Chinese Government supports building a demonstration area in Qingdao for China-SCO local economic and trade cooperation, and will set up a committee of legal services for SCO member states to provide legal support for business cooperation.

    In this connection, I hereby announce that China will set up an 30 billion ($4.33 billion) equivalent special lending facility within the framework of the SCO Inter-bank Consortium.

    Fourth, we need to forge closer ties through cultural and people-to-people exchanges. We should actively implement the outline for environmental protection cooperation and other documents, ensure the continued success of such well-recognized programs as the youth exchange camp, and secure solid progress in cooperation in education, science and technology, culture, tourism, health, disaster relief and media. In the next three years, China will provide 3,000 training opportunities of human resources development for SCO member states to enhance public understanding of and support for the SCO family. China offers to provide meteorological services to all parties using its Fengyun-2 weather satellites.

    Fifth, we need to expand the partnership networks of international cooperation. By intensifying exchanges and cooperation with SCO observer states, dialogue partners, and other countries in our region, by enhancing partnerships with the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, and by engaging in dialogue with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and other international financial institutions, we can contribute our share to resolving hotspot issues and improving global governance.

    Editor's note: President Xi Jinping's speech draws a comprehensive picture and summary of the remarkable journey and beneficial experience of the 17 years' development of the SCO, and notes a systematic planning and general trend for the SCO's future development. 

    The Shanghai Spirit is emphasized in Xi's speech. It is the soul and shared asset of the SCO, which should be upheld and carried forward. Guided by the Shanghai Spirit, the SCO will be developed into a new type comprehensive regional cooperation organization, a good model for regional cooperation. 

    The conclusion Xi makes about the advantageous factors for international development will be beneficial for the cohesion among member states. 

    Concepts about development, security, cooperation, civilization and global governance, provided by Xi, conclude the basic ideas for new type international relation building, extend the new era connotation of Shanghai Spirit, and give the SCO new historic missions. Especially, the concept about global governance concerning working with all other countries and sharing future for humanity, contributes the SCO wisdom to the improvement of global governance. These five concepts intergrate China's development vision after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and provide a blueprint for the future development of the SCO. 

    President Xi appeals all parties to build an SCO community with a shared future, move toward a new type of international relations, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security, and common prosperity. Based on the consensus reached by eight member states, "building a community with a shared future for humanity" has been included into the Qingdao Declaration, and becomes the most important political consensus in the SCO. It will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, inject continuous power into the process of development, and promote the common development and prosperity not only among member parties but also in the whole world.