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    習近平在亞洲文明對話(huà)大會(huì )開(kāi)幕式上的主旨演講摘編


    2019年5月15日,國家主席習近平出席亞洲文明對話(huà)大會(huì )開(kāi)幕式。[新華社]

    編者按:2019年5月15日,國家主席習近平出席亞洲文明對話(huà)大會(huì )開(kāi)幕式,并發(fā)表題為《深化文明交流互鑒 共建亞洲命運共同體》的主旨演講,指出璀璨的亞洲文明為世界文明發(fā)展史書(shū)寫(xiě)了濃墨重彩的篇章。以下是講話(huà)的雙語(yǔ)摘編:

    當前,世界多極化、經(jīng)濟全球化、文化多樣化、社會(huì )信息化深入發(fā)展,人類(lèi)社會(huì )充滿(mǎn)希望。同時(shí),國際形勢的不穩定性不確定性更加突出,人類(lèi)面臨的全球性挑戰更加嚴峻,需要世界各國齊心協(xié)力、共同應對。

    應對共同挑戰、邁向美好未來(lái),既需要經(jīng)濟科技力量,也需要文化文明力量。亞洲文明對話(huà)大會(huì ),為促進(jìn)亞洲及世界各國文明開(kāi)展平等對話(huà)、交流互鑒、相互啟迪提供了一個(gè)新的平臺。





    亞洲人民期待一個(gè)和平安寧的亞洲。維護和平是每個(gè)國家都應該肩負起來(lái)的責任。沒(méi)有和平,沖突不斷甚至戰火紛飛,經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)、民生改善、社會(huì )穩定、人民往來(lái)等都會(huì )淪為空談。亞洲各國人民希望遠離恐懼,實(shí)現安居樂(lè )業(yè)、普遍安全,希望各國互尊互信、和睦相處,廣泛開(kāi)展跨國界、跨時(shí)空、跨文明的交往活動(dòng),共同維護比金子還珍貴的和平時(shí)光。

    亞洲人民期待一個(gè)共同繁榮的亞洲。經(jīng)濟發(fā)展是文明存續的有力支撐,繁榮富強是國家進(jìn)步的重要基石。亞洲一些民眾特別是婦女兒童正忍受著(zhù)貧困、饑餓、疾病的折磨,這樣的局面必須改變。亞洲各國人民希望遠離貧困、富足安康,希望各國合力推進(jìn)開(kāi)放、包容、普惠、平衡、共贏(yíng)的經(jīng)濟全球化,共同消除一些國家民眾依然面臨的貧窮落后,共同為孩子們創(chuàng )造衣食無(wú)憂(yōu)的生活,讓幸福和歡樂(lè )走進(jìn)每一個(gè)家庭。

    亞洲人民期待一個(gè)開(kāi)放融通的亞洲。亞洲近幾十年快速發(fā)展,一條十分重要的經(jīng)驗就是敞開(kāi)大門(mén),主動(dòng)融入世界經(jīng)濟發(fā)展潮流。如果各國重新回到一個(gè)個(gè)自我封閉的孤島,人類(lèi)文明就將因老死不相往來(lái)而喪失生機活力。亞洲各國人民希望遠離封閉、融會(huì )通達,希望各國秉持開(kāi)放精神,推進(jìn)政策溝通、設施聯(lián)通、貿易暢通、資金融通、民心相通,共同構建亞洲命運共同體、人類(lèi)命運共同體。




    第二,堅持美人之美、美美與共。每一種文明都是美的結晶,都彰顯著(zhù)創(chuàng )造之美。一切美好的事物都是相通的。人們對美好事物的向往,是任何力量都無(wú)法阻擋的!各種文明本沒(méi)有沖突,只是要有欣賞所有文明之美的眼睛。我們既要讓本國文明充滿(mǎn)勃勃生機,又要為他國文明發(fā)展創(chuàng )造條件,讓世界文明百花園群芳競艷。

    第三,堅持開(kāi)放包容、互學(xué)互鑒。一切生命有機體都需要新陳代謝,否則生命就會(huì )停止。文明也是一樣,如果長(cháng)期自我封閉,必將走向衰落。交流互鑒是文明發(fā)展的本質(zhì)要求。只有同其他文明交流互鑒、取長(cháng)補短,才能保持旺盛生命活力。文明交流互鑒應該是對等的、平等的,應該是多元的、多向的,而不應該是強制的、強迫的,不應該是單一的、單向的。我們應該以海納百川的寬廣胸懷打破文化交往的壁壘,以兼收并蓄的態(tài)度汲取其他文明的養分,促進(jìn)亞洲文明在交流互鑒中共同前進(jìn)。

    第四,堅持與時(shí)俱進(jìn)、創(chuàng )新發(fā)展。文明永續發(fā)展,既需要薪火相傳、代代守護,更需要順時(shí)應勢、推陳出新。世界文明歷史揭示了一個(gè)規律:任何一種文明都要與時(shí)偕行,不斷吸納時(shí)代精華。我們應該用創(chuàng )新增添文明發(fā)展動(dòng)力、激活文明進(jìn)步的源頭活水,不斷創(chuàng )造出跨越時(shí)空、富有永恒魅力的文明成果。


    中華文明是亞洲文明的重要組成部分。自古以來(lái),中華文明在繼承創(chuàng )新中不斷發(fā)展,在應時(shí)處變中不斷升華,積淀著(zhù)中華民族最深沉的精神追求,是中華民族生生不息、發(fā)展壯大的豐厚滋養。中國的造紙術(shù)、火藥、印刷術(shù)、指南針、天文歷法、哲學(xué)思想、民本理念等在世界上影響深遠,有力推動(dòng)了人類(lèi)文明發(fā)展進(jìn)程。

    中華文明是在同其他文明不斷交流互鑒中形成的開(kāi)放體系。從歷史上的佛教東傳、“伊儒會(huì )通”,到近代以來(lái)的“西學(xué)東漸”、新文化運動(dòng)、馬克思主義和社會(huì )主義思想傳入中國,再到改革開(kāi)放以來(lái)全方位對外開(kāi)放,中華文明始終在兼收并蓄中歷久彌新。親仁善鄰、協(xié)和萬(wàn)邦是中華文明一貫的處世之道,惠民利民、安民富民是中華文明鮮明的價(jià)值導向,革故鼎新、與時(shí)俱進(jìn)是中華文明永恒的精神氣質(zhì),道法自然、天人合一是中華文明內在的生存理念。


    Xi Jinping's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations--Edited Excerpt

    The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations began in Beijing on May 15, 2019. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the opening ceremony. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Editor's note: The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations began in Beijing on May 15, 2019. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the opening ceremony under the theme of Deepening Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations for an Asian Community With a Shared Future, which he used to address the special place that Asian civilizations have in the annals of world civilizations. The following is an edited excerpt of his speech:

    Today, the world moves ever closer towards greater multi-polarity, economic globalization and cultural diversity, becoming increasingly information orientated in the process. This progress suggests promising prospects for the future. However, in the face of mounting instabilities and uncertainties currently faced by many people around the world, countries need to unite and respond to these adversities.

    To meet our common challenges and create a better future for all, we look to culture and civilization to play their role, which is as important as the role played by economy, science and technology. The Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations has convened to create a new platform for civilizations in Asia and beyond to engage in dialogue and exchanges on an equal footing to facilitate mutual learning.

    Asia is one of the earliest human settlements in the world, which makes it an important cradle of human history. This vast and beautiful continent covers a third of the earth's land mass and has two-thirds of the world's population. It has more than 1,000 ethnic groups living in 47 countries.

    As we review our past and look beyond Asia, we should have greater confidence in our civilizations. We may build on the rich heritage of our forefathers, stay engaged with other civilizations and increase mutual learning. By doing so, we will add new glory to Asian civilizations.

    Aspirations of Asian people

    We Asian countries are closely connected and share a natural bond of affinity because of our shared experience of the past and our shared anticipation of what the future holds for us. Going forward, we need to see where the world is going, ride on the trend of the times and turn our people's longing for a better life into reality.

    --We Asian people hope to see peace and stability across Asia. Upholding peace is the responsibility of every country. When strife breaks out in the forms of conflict or war, economic growth, social stability and mutual exchanges will break down with it. We the people of Asian countries wish to live and work in content and security free from fear. We hope that all countries will respect and trust each other, live in harmony, and interact with each other in a way that transcends national boundaries, time and space, as well as the difference between civilizations. We should work together and jointly safeguard peace, something that is even more precious than gold.

    --We Asian people hope to see common prosperity in Asia. Economic growth sustains a civilization, and prosperity underpins the progress of a nation. However, in some parts of Asia, people, women and children in particular, still suffer from the plight of poverty, hunger and disease. This must change. We Asian people long for decent lives free of poverty. We hope that countries will collaborate in promoting economic globalization and make it more open, balanced and beneficial to anyone regardless of their background. Doing so will enable us to eradicate poverty and backwardness that still plague people in some countries. It will make life carefree for our children and bring happiness to all families.

    --We Asian people hope to see an open and better-connected Asia. Asia's rapid development over the past decades shows that it is important to open one's door to the outside world and ride on the trend of global economic development. If countries choose to close their doors and hide behind them, human civilizations would be cut off from each other and lose all vitality. We Asian people hope that all countries will reject self-exclusion, embrace integration, uphold openness and promote policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people-to-people connectivity. This way, we can jointly foster a community with a shared future for both us Asians and all humanity.

    Exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations

    Diversity spurs interaction among civilizations, which in turn promotes mutual learning and their further development. We need to promote exchanges and mutual learning among countries, nations and cultures around the world, and strengthen popular support for jointly building a community with a shared future not only for Asians but for all people.

    To realize this goal, we need to respect each other and treat one another as equals. All civilizations are rooted in their unique cultural environment. Each embodies the wisdom and vision of a country or nation, and each is valuable for being uniquely its own. Civilizations vary from each other in this way, just as individuals differ from each other in skin color and language, but this does not imply a cultural superiority. The thought that one's own race and civilization are superior and the inclination to remold or replace other civilizations are just stupid. To act out a superiority complex would only bring catastrophic consequences. If human civilizations are reduced to only one single color or one single model, the world would become a stereotype and too dull a place to live in. What we need is to respect each other as equals and say no to hubris and prejudice. We need to deepen understanding of the difference between one's own civilization and others', and work to promote interaction, dialogue and harmony among civilizations.

    Furthermore, we need to embrace the beauty of each civilization and of diversity in the global community. Each civilization is the crystallization of human creation, and each is beautiful in its own way. The aspiration for all that is beautiful is a common pursuit of humanity that nothing can hold back. Civilizations don't have to clash with one another; we need eyes that can see beauty in all nations in the world. We should keep our own civilizations dynamic and create conditions for other civilizations to flourish. Together we can make the garden of world civilizations colorful and vibrant.

    We also need to stay open and inclusive and draw on each other's strengths. All living organisms in the human body must renew themselves through metabolism; otherwise, life would come to an end. The same is true for civilizations. Long-term self-isolation will cause a civilization to decline, while exchanges and mutual learning will sustain its development. A civilization can flourish only through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations, which is conducted in a reciprocal, equal-footed, diversified and multi-dimensional manner. They should in no way be coercive, imposing, one-dimensional or one-way. We need to be broad-minded and strive to remove all barriers to cultural exchanges. We need to be inclusive and always seek nourishment from other civilizations to promote the common development of Asian civilizations through exchanges and mutual learning.

    Lastly, we need to advance with the times and explore new ground in development. For a civilization to endure, efforts must be made to keep it alive and build on its heritage from one generation to the next. More importantly, a civilization needs to adapt itself to the changing times and break new ground. World history teaches us that taking advantage of the opportunities available and advancing with the times is fundamental to development. We need to come up with new ideas to add impetus and inspiration to the development of our civilizations. With these efforts, we will deliver achievements for our civilizations to transcend time and space and have a lasting appeal.

    Inclusive Chinese culture

    Being an inseparable part of the Asian community, Chinese civilization has, since its early days, evolved and grown by drawing on its past achievements, exploring new ground and adapting to changes. It represents the profound pursuit of the Chinese nation and provides a rich source of strength for its lasting development. Chinese inventions such as paper-making, gunpowder, printing and the compass as well as China's astronomical knowledge, calendar system, philosophy and the people-centered doctrine have all had a global impact and propelled the development of human civilizations.

    Chinese civilization, as an inclusive and integrated whole, has become what it is today through constant interactions with other civilizations. It has been enriched by the introduction of Buddhism and the confluence of Islam and Confucianism, and by the introduction of Western learning, the launch of the New Culture Movement and the introduction of Marxism and socialism in modern times. All-round opening up of the country, starting with the reform and opening-up program, has added to its vitality today. Amity and good neighborliness is the principle guiding our interactions with other countries; and to deliver prosperity and security to the people is the overarching goal, to keep pace with the times through reform and innovation the abiding commitment, and to achieve harmony between man and nature the underlying philosophy.

    China today is more than the country itself; it is very much a part of Asia and the world. In the time to come, China will open its arms wider to embrace the world and contribute the dynamic achievements of Chinese civilization to a better future for the whole world.