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    習近平在中國北京世界園藝博覽會(huì )開(kāi)幕式上的主旨演講摘編


    2019年4月28日,國家主席習近平出席中國北京世界園藝博覽會(huì )開(kāi)幕式。[新華圖]

    編者按:2019年4月28日,國家主席習近平出席中國北京世界園藝博覽會(huì )開(kāi)幕式,并發(fā)表題為《共謀綠色生活,共建美麗家園》的主旨演講。以下是講話(huà)的雙語(yǔ)摘編:

    北京世界園藝博覽會(huì )以“綠色生活,美麗家園”為主題,旨在倡導人們尊重自然、融入自然、追求美好生活。北京世界園藝博覽會(huì )園區,同大自然的湖光山色交相輝映。我希望,這片園區所闡釋的綠色發(fā)展理念能傳導至世界各個(gè)角落。




    縱觀(guān)人類(lèi)文明發(fā)展史,生態(tài)興則文明興,生態(tài)衰則文明衰。工業(yè)化進(jìn)程創(chuàng )造了前所未有的物質(zhì)財富,也產(chǎn)生了難以彌補的生態(tài)創(chuàng )傷。殺雞取卵、竭澤而漁的發(fā)展方式走到了盡頭,順應自然、保護生態(tài)的綠色發(fā)展昭示著(zhù)未來(lái)。



    我們應該追求人與自然和諧。山巒層林盡染,平原藍綠交融,城鄉鳥(niǎo)語(yǔ)花香。這樣的自然美景,既帶給人們美的享受,也是人類(lèi)走向未來(lái)的依托。無(wú)序開(kāi)發(fā)、粗暴掠奪,人類(lèi)定會(huì )遭到大自然的無(wú)情報復;合理利用、友好保護,人類(lèi)必將獲得大自然的慷慨回報。我們要維持地球生態(tài)整體平衡,讓子孫后代既能享有豐富的物質(zhì)財富,又能遙望星空、看見(jiàn)青山、聞到花香。

    我們應該追求綠色發(fā)展繁榮。綠色是大自然的底色。我一直講,綠水青山就是金山銀山,改善生態(tài)環(huán)境就是發(fā)展生產(chǎn)力。良好生態(tài)本身蘊含著(zhù)無(wú)窮的經(jīng)濟價(jià)值,能夠源源不斷創(chuàng )造綜合效益,實(shí)現經(jīng)濟社會(huì )可持續發(fā)展。

    我們應該追求熱愛(ài)自然情懷?!叭≈卸?,用之有節”,是生態(tài)文明的真諦。我們要倡導簡(jiǎn)約適度、綠色低碳的生活方式,拒絕奢華和浪費,形成文明健康的生活風(fēng)尚。要倡導環(huán)保意識、生態(tài)意識,構建全社會(huì )共同參與的環(huán)境治理體系,讓生態(tài)環(huán)保思想成為社會(huì )生活中的主流文化。要倡導尊重自然、愛(ài)護自然的綠色價(jià)值觀(guān)念,讓天藍地綠水清深入人心,形成深刻的人文情懷。

    我們應該追求科學(xué)治理精神。生態(tài)治理必須遵循規律,科學(xué)規劃,因地制宜,統籌兼顧,打造多元共生的生態(tài)系統。只有賦之以人類(lèi)智慧,地球家園才會(huì )充滿(mǎn)生機活力。生態(tài)治理,道阻且長(cháng),行則將至。我們既要有只爭朝夕的精神,更要有持之以恒的堅守。




    Xi Jinping's Keynote Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019--Edited Excerpt

    The International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 begins in Beijing on April 28, 2019. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the opening ceremony. [Photo/Xinhua]

    Editor's note: The opening ceremony of the International Horticultural Exhibition 2019 began in Beijing on April 28, 2019. Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed the ceremony under the theme of Working Together for a Green and Better Future for All. The following is an edited excerpt of his speech:

    The Expo, as indicated by its theme Live Green, Live Better, aims to promote respect for the environment and a better life in harmony with nature. It is our hope that this Expo Park, designed to blend into its splendid surrounding landscape, will demonstrate China's vision of eco-friendly and sustainable development.

    Promoting ecological conservation

    The Chinese nation, with its 5,000 years of human history, is home to beautiful landscapes and scenery and has long nurtured the notion of harmony between man and nature.

    Ecological conservation has become part of China's overall plan for national development. Building a beautiful country inspires Chinese people--as China steps up its conservation efforts, a country with more blue skies, lush mountains and lucid waters will emerge.

    Looking at human civilizations across history, we can see that the rise or fall of a society is dependent on its relationship with nature. Industrialization, while generating unprecedented material wealth, has incurred serious damage to Mother Nature. Development without thought to the future of the earth is not sustainable way to progress.

    The way forward should be green development that focuses on harmony with nature and eco-friendly progress.

    We live on a spaceship earth, and this is the only home we will ever have. We must work to protect this planet like our own eyes, and to cherish nature the way we cherish life. We must preserve what gives out planet life and embrace sustainable development in line with this principle.

    Pursuing green development

    It is imperative to recognize the need to advocate harmony between man and nature. Lush mountains, green fields, singing birds and blossoming flowers offer more than visual beauty. They are the basis for future development. Nature punishes those who exploit and plunder it brutally, and rewards those who use and protect it carefully. We must maintain the overall balance of the Earth's eco-system, not only to ensure that future generations can continue to access material wealth, but to also ensure that they can enjoy the wonders of the natural world.

    It is necessary to pursue economic prosperity through sustainable development, otherwise known as green development. Green is the color of nature. I have always said that green mountains and lucid waters are invaluable assets, and that environmental improvement leads to greater productivity. An environment that is well looked after promises economic potential, generates good returns, and contributes to economic and social sustainability.

    Moreover, we need to follow a philosophy that respects and reveres nature. The conservation of the environment can be attained by monitoring and limiting the use of natural resources. There also needs to be greater promotion of a simpler, greener and low-carbon lifestyle, as well as a strong condemnation of excessive practices. Additionally, it is integral to raise people's awareness of environmental issues, and this can be achieved by developing a conservation system that includes people whilst injecting mainstream ecological conservation into every aspect of social life. We need to advocate the value of green development that reveres and cares for nature so that blue skies, green fields and clear waters will be a vision cherished by all.

    Moreover, scientific policies should be pursued as the foundation on which to create a harmonious ecosystem in which all elements can coexist in tandem with one another. By following the laws of nature and making use of meticulous scientific research, we can adopt a holistic and well-informed approach to conservatism that also factors in regional and local differences. Human wisdom is essential to sustaining the dynamism of Earth, our common homeland. Ecological conservation may be a long and arduous effort. We must press ahead with a sense of urgency and perseverance to achieve our goals.

    We need to join hands to meet common challenges. A beautiful homeland is the shared aspiration of mankind. In the face of environmental challenges, all countries are in a community with destinies linked, and no country can stay immune. Only together can we effectively address climate change, marine pollution, biological conservation and other global environmental issues and achieve the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Only concerted efforts can drive home the idea of green development and bring about steady progress in the ecological conservation of the globe.

    China is ready to work with all other countries to build a better homeland and a community with a shared future for mankind.

    Every generation has its own mission. Our efforts to conserve the eco-system will benefit not only this generation, but many more to come. By acting now and starting to act ourselves, we can pass on the baton of conservation to future generations and sustain this planet for as long as possible.